Wentworth Park Sporting Complex is a significant piece of green space set aside for public recreation by the Crown in 1885. The Complex is a multi-purpose facility in the heart of Sydney, minutes from the CBD, Chinatown and Darling Harbour, and the inner-city restaurant/cafe enclaves of Glebe and Newtown.
The Land Manager is charged with the care, control and management of the reserve in the best interests of users. The users may include lessees, licensees, sporting groups and the community. The Land Manager ensures the Complex operates as a viable entity. The management of the Complex must also be consistent with Government policy and initiatives.
The fundamental principles which determine Land Manager policy are:
- Maximisation of use
- Diversification of use
- Sports focus
- Community benefit
The Wentworth Park Sporting Complex Land Manager has its legislative base within the Crown Land Management Act 2016, which authorises the Minister to establish and name a Land Manager, appoint it as manager of specified reserves, and constitute it as a corporation.
OUR MISSION – to manage and administer the affairs of the Land Manager so the care, control and management of the Wentworth Park Sporting Complex is handled in a professional, competent and accountable manner.