The sports oval at Wentworth Park Sporting Complex is maintained to the highest standards. It can be hired out for training sessions through to a full day’s play.
The oval is regularly used by local schools for sports carnivals and other outdoor activities. There are two changerooms available for home and away teams with toilets and showers.
The grandstand can seat up to 3,000 spectators and parking is available on-site.
Hospitality packages can also be organised to make sure your players and guests are kept well fed and watered.
Corporate or Major Sporting Events with full use of changerooms and Bistro. Licensee retains gate in-come
$2,330+gst full day (between 7am to 7pm)
The Licensee is required to have full Public Liability Insurance, COVID 19 Safety Plan and complete a Function Contract. There is an additional cost if personnel are required to be onsite for security or opening/closing the facility
Training & Minor Sports Events with no gate receipts or access to the Grandstand
$685+gst per session (up to 3hrs per session)
$1135+gst full day (between 7am to 7pm) use of changerooms is included.
There is an additional cost if personnel are required to be onsite for security or opening/closing the facility
Community and School Groups should contact us for more information